This section offers a peek into the exciting projects that I have had the pleasure of working on with outstanding individuals and organizations. From taking on challenges that pushed my skills to trying new techniques, working on these projects have been both enriching and meaningful.

I collaborated with a Creative Director at Landor, Food Stylist, and Photographer to create a brand's look and feel, and led in-store visuals at a Mumbai flagship store. I ensured a cohesive brand experience over 3,500 sq. ft. and two levels. My skills in visual communication, collaboration, and project management make me well-suited for branding and visual merchandising projects.
Business Name Generator Tool
Created at
Radix, Design Studio

I had the opportunity to collaborate with Radix on the visual identity and user interface design for Namify, a name-generating tool. In this role, I was tasked with creating a design that was easy to adapt and replicate, given that Namify was a testing product for the company. To ensure a unique and recognizable interface, I employed a mosaic design language in the user interface, which effectively met the project objectives.

At YALDA, I volunteered my time to develop a visual language for their brand, creating social media posters and other brand collateral to increase their brand presence. Through my efforts, I was able to contribute to their overall marketing strategy by enhancing their brand identity and creating a cohesive and recognizable visual language.

Embodying women of history who championed healing
Made at
UAL with Steph Singer

Steph Singer and I collaborated to create an innovative way for individuals to physically manifest the external appearance of a digital avatar. Our project, called "Violet," drew inspiration from Draupadi, the protagonist of the Hindu epic Mahabharata, and we utilised a specialised code in "Touch Designer" to produce the visual components. The end result was received with high praise, as many people could emotionally connect with the final performance.

.Online Domains
Created at
Radix, Brand studio

I was involved in developing the visual design for .Online domains, a domain extension that provides businesses worldwide with a contextual and distinctive online identity. Our team created a unique visual language for .Online, which was inspired by the dot in the domain extension. We crafted natural and dynamic elements that formed various textures. The use of lifestyle images added a playful and personalized touch to the brand, making it appealing to the target audience.