Radix Value Deck

Brand Refresh & UI Design
Made at Radix, Design Studio

Design Director: Arjava Vig
Associate Creative Director: Priyanka Datta
Engineering Team: Alessandro D’Souza & Prakash Sahani
Designer: Bipasha Ray

Radix is the world's 2nd largest domain portfolio registry. With a devoted client base and trusted partner since 2016, the Radix logo and visual identity were easily recognisable and well-known. However, 2021 was a time of growth, an expanding business model, and a new leadership team. The brand decided to update its key values to ‘being fearless’ and ‘radical’. For people to feel, and experience the company's values, beliefs, and culture, these values have to be reflected across all brand touchpoints.

I worked with an extremely talented team to give the brand a fresh, dynamic, and bold look without losing its authenticity. Together, we designed a unique experiential website with features like parallax horizontal scrolling and interactive elements that could be shared with Radix’s B2B clients and partners.

Structured, human and radical

The branding uses structured layout grids that symbolise the clarity of our technology with a juxtaposing of graphic elements in ways to create a unique and flexible system. The bold colours communicate confident originality and the photography style adds a human touch to the brand.
The branding enabled engineers to develop micro SEO pages for Radix without design intervention - the 5-year celebration website can be viewed here.

The deck shares stories to inspire, build bridges and shift conscious

At Radix, we believe our experience has shaped our lives and changed our narratives. We used stories as our source of inspiration to communicate the culture code. We designed an interface that transports the viewer into a journey of Radix’s history and belief system. Using smooth parallax scrolling and interactive elements, we kept the viewer engaged and immersed in our cultural experience.

We used a repeating UI structure which reduced development work while micro-interactions and animation maintained the surprise element in each fold.

Few kind words by my peers

“The interface feels like magic. We are very excited to launch the website in 2023 and we are very positive about the results. Bipasha rose to the challenge and delivered an incredible design in a very short timeline.”

- Priyanka Datta, Design Manager

“Bipasha took complete ownership of this project and communicated with the developers to make the asset transition really smooth.”

- Arjava Vig, Design Director